Manifesting Love: Chapter 8 Meditation

Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit or lay down where you can be alone and relax. Allow your eyes to gently close, feeling the weight of your eyelids. Take a deep inhale through the nose, feel the cool air enter and fill the belly with breath like a balloon. Softly and slowly exhale, deflating the belly and releasing the breath. With the next inhale, allow the jaw to soften, as you exhale, feel the muscles in your neck and shoulders release, melting away any tension. Feel your body completely supported by gravity, letting go of the need to hold yourself up. Now from this relaxed state, please visualize in your mind’s eye, the most loved, loving, lovable, fulfilled, happy, radiant, confident version of yourself. Take a moment for it to come into form. Notice where you are, and what surrounds you in the physical environment. Notice what you’re wearing (or not wearing!). Observe what you smell as the air enters your nose when you breathe in. Observe the sights that you see before you. Listen to any sounds you hear in the distance. Notice any sounds you may hear nearby, Tune into what you feel in this magnificent state of existence. Observe how you look, and what aura surrounds you. Tune into that frequency and stay as long as you like, exploring this state of positive vibrations within you that’s ALWAYS there, but sometimes feels blocked or inaccessible.