Why things can get worse before they get better

Have you ever noticed that right before you manifest the next level of your life, you often experience a period of confusion, chaos, and anxiety? If you are currently going through this, don’t worry… This is not only normal, but also necessary in the manifestation process. Keep reading to learn more about the process of creative destruction while manifesting.


Creative destruction is the idea that as we create a new version of our life, there is a phase of breaking down old paradigms in order to create space for what you are building. When you are in this transitory period, things can often look a little bit worse before they get better. It often feels like an uncomfortable and dark period when you can’t yet see what it is you are creating. Despite how anxious you might feel, this phase of creative destruction is a good sign that you are on the right path.


  1. Allow this experience to build your trust muscle. Take a leap of faith in knowing that as things are broken down, it will clear space to magnetize your vision towards you. Trust that what you’re creating is better than what you’re leaving behind.

  2. Take time each day to step into the vision of what you’re creating. This will help you feel excited, rather than anxious, for what is to come.

  3. If you are craving extra support, I speak a lot about this transitory period in the Dream Catcher Course chapter 5: Flow into your Future.

Remember — if you are currently in this stage, it’s a good thing! The alternative would be staying in your comfort zone, which keeps you stuck. If you need any support or guidance, I am here for you.

All my love,

Jessie xx


The secret to manifesting your dream life